Installation consisting of a shrine made of clay, mud and straw, 1 terracotta saffron flower floating inside the clitshrine and 5 ceramic objects placed outside the shrine.

The Shrine (Clit shrine) is in the stylized shape of a clitoris as are the ceramic objects

CLI(T)HERA is an attempt to reinterpret the ancient relationship with the female sacred before the advent of patriarchy.

CLI(T)HERA is the daughter of feminist art of the 1960s but also of all the works of art that have fe­male genital organs as their subject, for example Etruscan votive offerings.

Nevertheless the clitoris has never been the protagonist of such works while the vulva, the uterus and breasts have often been represented. Simulacra of organs always linked to the reproductive function or deputed to nourishment, not to desire or pleasure.


There is no temple dedicated to the cli­toris in the world while there are sanctuaries dedicated to female reproductive organs.

The clit shrine contains within it a flower, the reproductive organ of plants. Ironically, it is the clitoris that contains the reproductive organ, not viceversa.

CLI(T)HERA is thus an artistic, cultural, and political proposal that addresses the theme of desire, particularly female desire, and how women often give up this pursuit.